RDKB Emergency Operations Portal



RDKB FireSmart

Research has shown that a house with both a fire resistant roof and a FireSmart zone surrounding it is 90 percent more likely to survive a wildfire than one that lacks these features. 

Firesmart Home ignition zone Wildfire Structure Survival statistics


FireSmart Home Assessments

The RDKB is proud to participate in the FireSmart BC Wildfire Mitigation Program.

The FireSmart BC Wildfire Mitigation Program (WMP) was designed to engage residents in voluntary wildfire mitigation activities by offering a professional home assessment with property-specific recommendations. The FireSmart BC Wildfire Mitigation Program partners with BCAA and Co-Operators insurance providers. If your insurance policy is through either of these providers, you may be eligible for savings upon completion of an assessment and FireSmart certification.

For more information, see also BCAA and Co-Operators.

Watch the Video below for a more in-depth look at what a FireSmart BC Wildfire Mitigation Program Property Assessment provides

RDKB FireSmart 2024 Rebate Program

The 2024 seasonal FireSmart Program has ended and will resume in May 2025. You can join the waitlist for a FireSmart assessment by using the online application link below. Your application will be saved, and we'll contact you in May 2025 to schedule the assessment.

The 2025 rebate application period will reopen in May. Meanwhile, you can review the rebate forms below to familiarize yourself with the program guidelines, track your work plan activities and expenses, and confirm eligible FireSmart activities if you've already completed a FireSmart assessment and are undertaking mitigation around your home.

If you have any questions regarding the RDKB FireSmart program, you can reach out to the program coordinator at firesmart@rdkb.com or by phone at 250.368.0259

For information click below


To book your RDKB FireSmart Home Assessment click below

Book a Free FireSmart Home Assessment

Or email firesmart@rdkb.com or call 250-368-0259

Do Your Part. Get FireSmart.”

“In the midst of wildfire season, it's up to all of us to play a part in keeping our communities safe. Thankfully, your role is simple and a few household tasks are all it takes. We’re here to guide you through them.” FireSmart BC


Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan (CWRP)

What is a Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan?

The Regional District of Kootenay-Boundary Community Wildfire Resiliency Plans (CWRP) build upon previous planning activities completed through the 2010 Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) while adding objectives that align with the seven FireSmart disciplines. These Community Wildfire Resiliency Plans are intended for the designated one-kilometer wildland urban interface (WUI) surrounding each community and will be used as a measure to improve wildfire preparedness and mitigate losses from possible emergency events.

The plans will serve as a guide and identify several potential wildfire related issues and actions to mitigate these risks and reduce fire hazard in and around the various communities through the promotion of FireSmart awareness.

Finally, the plans will support the various communities within the RDKB in their efforts to achieve a consistent, comprehensive approach towards wildfire risk reduction and resiliency measures within their communities. The following are key goals of the CWRP process:

  • increase the community’s understanding of and response capacity to wildfire risk
  • improve collaboration across administrative boundaries and organizations
  • respond to the needs of the community according to their priorities
  • develop achievable action items that will reduce wildfire risks and improve the community’s overall resiliency.
  • be a flexible framework that allows for community collaboration and increase rile from all interested community members to play their part in FireSmart

These plans will be reviewed annually to monitor implementation progress and determine actions and priorities for the coming year. Every five years this plan will be updated or reworked with new goals and priorities that reflect the needs of the community and progress made under the term of this plan.

Community Wildfire Resiliency Plans:

Electoral Area A Fruitvale
Electoral Area B/Lower Columbia Old Glory Montrose
Electoral Area C/Christina Lake Trail
Electoral Area D/Rural Grand Forks Warfield
Electoral Area E/West Boundary – Big White Grand Forks


RDKB FireSmart Videos

We spent some time with some of our RDKB fire service personnel, residents, and our FireSmart Coordinator to learn about the RDKB’s FireSmart program, how residents can implement the FireSmart principles on their own property, and why FireSmart is a shared responsibility. Check out our RDKB FireSmart Program Video segments below, or view the video in its entirety at the bottom

How can I be RDKB FireSmart?

Get RDKB FireSmart: It’s a shared responsibility

The threat of wildfire and RDKB’s response

What is the RDKB doing to implement FireSmart?

Why is FireSmart so important in the RDKB?

Get RDKB FireSmart Aware!

Additional Resources

For more information, check out the FireSmart BC website.

The FireSmart Homeowner’s manual and the FireSmart BC Landscaping guide provides individuals with recommendations to help reduce the risk of wildfires to homes and neighbourhoods and create a more resilient community around us.

FireSmart BC YouTube Channel
BC Wildfire Service Dashboard
PreparedBC emergency guides and resources

Have Questions?
Contact Us
RDKB FireSmart
Phone: 250-368-0259
Email: firesmart@rdkb.com
Follow us on Twitter @RDKB_Emergency